Saturday, December 20, 2014


I believe that you guys have seen these kind of picts.

And we may also don't put much attention on this because we may think that we are not the victims or the suspects.But don't we know that sometimes we become the bullies unconsciously? 
Many people think that bullying is only things like hitting your friends or other harsh things. But we have to know that bullying isn't only what we do. It may be what we say or even our behavior.
For example calling your friend fat as a joke. It may sound fun for the others, but deep inside the person get pissed off. And that's the point of bullying. 
I believe that we don't want it happen to ourselves. But first we have to makes sure others don't feel the same. We have to keep our action, our saying and our behavior. We have to think and be careful so that it won't piss others off. 
It may be simple but it will affect much if everyone does that. 

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